How is College life, exactly?

Short answer: hustle, sprinkled with fun. Long answer:

Wordsworth Club
5 min readAug 29, 2022

Being in college is the daylight dream of many youngsters who go to school every single day with a backpack and routine and have to wake up for the morning prayers and end up with ‘watch over us. ‘ I can’t deny that I was a prominent part of that “crew” who always thought college life was so much fun and enduring.

Hey, people! If you also fall under the roof that once had a next-level sparkle in the eyes and millions of those “awesome” college dreams in the head, then I have got you well covered here!

P.s.: I’m ready with all the charts, graphs, and studies that can make you alter your opinion within the subsequent fractions of seconds.

So, sit back, relax and stay with this article to explore the way of college days and their sucking hours.

Here begins…

I remember the days when my mom used to wake me up because it was already six, and keep my school uniform in hand every single day, followed by a warm water bucket for a bath.

Those were the days when I had to follow an 8–2 routine of classes and a half-hour lunch break within which we never ate our lunch and spent our time running across the ground. We had our own little lunch break with almost ten hands on a single lunch box, passing it across the desks, of course, while the teacher used to teach us with the chalk and duster.

Parallelly, the schedule at college begins with the aim of alarming myself up on my own and getting myself ready after spending hours in the queue of people who don’t bathe daily but on that particular day will take a bath because ‘I’m getting late. ‘ Another queue I face at the mess to grab my breakfast makes me think why everyone has to be a chef here, spending hours garnishing that paani wali sabzi.

(Especially when you are a hosteler, you have to start your day this way).

After serving myself and running through the corridors of the college, I somehow manage to meet the people who stand on the other side of the hostel and are called ‘day scholars’ in the typical language, having the same aim as me, ‘To bargain out the mental peace!’ (of course, for what else we are into college!?).

Our day at the college starts with never-ending assignments and surprise tests, and also, not to be missed, the unexpected news of exams that will be held the following day itself! (by now, we don’t even know which subject class we are attending, lol).

In addition, a lunch break which is half already taken by the teacher who had the last period (felt the real need of having a wall-clock in the classroom, just opposite the blackboard). And a tired pack up from the class walking back to the place where you have to wake up another day to experience the same.

You must be wondering, what’s the big deal here? It’s a simple routine.

Well, college life is similar to finding the other pair of socks, especially when you are getting late. And here, you will not have your mother (guide) to help you find one. You have to have a dream, an aim behind which you don’t just have to work but actually rush because millions of people aim for that powered seat that can occupy only a few.

After figuring out the subject going on in the classroom, you have to figure out how to clear your exams, and you are mistaken here if you take this exam the same as what has to be held the next day on short notice. That exam you can even pass by burning a night lamp, but the exams of life that occur at every footstep of yours so that you can understand it better can not be adjusted by getting a boundary pass. You have to be a pro for that.

Remember when you get stuck on an assignment and don’t know how to proceed? It is the same thing: every day after spending the 3/4th part of the day at college, you will have to come back actively to start another hustle to chase your dream. How? Figure it out on your own, but this time, without the help of google.

And that paani vali sabzi will be served to you every single day until you make yourself stable after bargaining your mental peace, sleep, and everything so that you can have real chefs around you serving some 5-star food.

Well, College life can be sucking, but you know what? It’s the only stage where you can make or break yourself. Decide to hustle every single day because, trust me, this 25% of your life will decide how you will spend the rest 75% of your life.

But wait!

College life was supposed to be fun, right? Yes, it has to be! In the process, don’t dare to miss out on the fun at any cost. Or else you will end up regretting it! Attend parties and farewells, hang out, and drive to the moon and the sun to catch the stars of your dreams with your friends endlessly. But always keep that wall clock not in front of the blackboard this time, but in front of your study board, so that you can choose and segregate the hours of fun and the hours of hustle.

So, I hope you understood well here that college life isn’t that sucking. It’s the stage of building. Building and living the dreams that are coming through the way out of your so-called ‘sucking college hours.’


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